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Direct3D Camera Demo - Part 1 (Vectors).

This is the first demo in the Direct3D camera demo series. In this demo we implement the classic vector based camera. The camera supports 2 modes of operation: first person camera mode, and flight simulator camera mode. We don't implement the third person camera in this demo because its implementation is quite different compared to the first person and flight simulator camera models. A future demo will explore the implementation of the third person camera.

The floor in this demo is normal mapped. To learn more about normal mapping in Direct3D 9 check out the Direct3D 9 Normal Mapping Demo.

This demo was built using the June 2010 update of the Microsoft DirectX SDK. The required end-user runtimes can be downloaded here.

1. This demo requires shader model 2.0 or higher support.
2. This demo requires the Visual C++ 2010 Library Runtimes. Download instructions can be found here.


zip file Download executable, source, and Visual C++ 2010 solution files.

Change History:

10 July 2010.
Added missing .vcxproj.filters file to the project.

13 June 2010.
Updated solution to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

25 March 2008.
Fixed memory leak in CreateNullTexture() function where 'pSurface' was not being released.

2 February 2008.
Updated solution to Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

20 January 2008.
This is a major rewrite of the demo. The format and structure of the demo now more closely matches the more recently released Direct3D demos. The Camera class has been updated with expanded functionality. Proper text rendering support has been added. Multisample anti-aliasing has been added. The floor is now normal mapped. The demo now allows you to adjust the mouse sensitivity as well as the camera rotation speed.

4 October 2006.
Fixed errors identified by running demo against the August 2006 Direct3D debug runtimes.

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